Of all the beaches in northern Veracruz, Poza Rica is the most centrally located beach area, here we tell you which are the closest:
1. Barra de Cazones
In Cazones, the best known and most popular beach is Barra de Cazones, 43 km away from Poza Rica. Here the Cazones River meets the sea. Nearby you will find places to eat, spend the day with the family and a good place to go fishing or snorkeling.
Other beaches you can find a little further south of Barra de Cazones are Playa Azul and Playa Boquilla in Rancho Nuevo.
2. Chaparrales
In Cazones you will also find Chaparrales beach, one of the most beautiful beaches in the Gulf, it is a perfect beach if you are looking for a little more privacy because it is less crowded, it stands out for the amount of shells that you can find in the sand. There is also a sea turtle sanctuary that releases several species of turtles every year.
To get to Chaparrales you have to cross the river Cazones by raft, you can cross by car, cab or motorcycle.
3. Escondida Beach
Playa Escondida is located 48 km from Poza Rica and is a place that is completely worthwhile. It is located between two cliffs full of vegetation and its access can only be done walking, by boat or on horseback. It is a very private and natural destination.
4. Tecolutla
58 km from Poza Rica, this beach abounds with vegetation and you can observe many crabs, herons and turtles. By boat you can visit its estuaries, canals and mangroves.
5. Tuxpan Beach
In Tuxpan, 50 km from Poza Rica you can find activities for the whole family. Tuxpan Beach and Barra Galindo is one of the most popular beaches on weekends and during Holy Week and holidays.
6. Costa Esmeralda and Casitas
These beaches are 75 km away from Poza Rica between the towns of Tecolutla and Nautla. Its beaches have soft sand and calm waves, perfect for a boat ride where you can practice activities such as sport fishing or water skiing.